Army Wives Lives Three Sixty Five

A daily snapshot into the lives of a couple Army wives

Elvis was right… June 7, 2010

Filed under: Digital Scrapbooking,Humor — Laurie @ 6:14 am

I made a post for Kansas and Oklahoma….so I felt it was only appropriate to give props to Kentucky/Tennessee.

This was the scene the day after we returned from our vacation.

Hmmm….it looked exactly the same when we left!! 😉


Little red bird…. June 3, 2010

Filed under: Birds,Blogging,colorado,Family,Humor,Pets,photography,Summer — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:34 pm

We always have such a good time out at Jeffs moms… up in the mountains, away from everyone, listening to the birds chirp, the chickens cluck and the horse neighing…There’s just something peaceful about it all… But, while out there this last time, little “Red Bird” as they call her, was either very curious or didn’t like us hanging around… she would circle around us and try to peck at our feet, or anything exposed for that matter…it seemed as though she was taunting us but she especially liked Jeff…hehe. =)
Here’s a quick snap I got of her as she was making her rounds.

“A hen that struts like a rooster is often invited for dinner” — poultry adaptation of “Pride goeth before a fall”. 🙂

Good night my friends!


It’s Business time….=) June 2, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor,Internet — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:55 pm

hehe…. Good night my friends,

ETA: warning…. There is nothing about this video that would offend an adult..well, unless…oh, never mind…lol…but, I should say that this would not be suitable for little ears b/c of the topic the Conchords are singing about. =)


Working Hard or Hardly Working?…

Filed under: Family,Humor — Laurie @ 10:29 am

Mister B loves to mow the lawn.

It rained the night before Memorial Day and he was very worried he would not get to mow his Papa’s lawn.

This was such a funny shot, but as I have stated before, pictures never tell the whole truth.

Jason and his dad just finished edging and working other areas of the yard before they sat down to watch Mister B finish.

Kelvin also surprised him with payment for his hard work right after I took this picture.

Just one moment of an amazing time with family and friends over the last 10 days.


I think we’re getting crapped on….? June 1, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Choices,Humor,Internet — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:44 pm

hehe…just something that made me giggle tonight….
Much love,


Huh????…… May 26, 2010

Filed under: Humor — Laurie @ 6:17 am


Strangest stuffed toys?… May 25, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor,Internet — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:27 pm

lol….ummmmm…well aren’t these just too cute for words. 😀 OhEmGee….hehe
When I came across this I thought, no way this is for real…but I was wrong…apparently the Pee & Poo brand was established in late 2004 in Stockholm, Sweden. I even found them listed on although they were currently out of stock. ¯\(0_0)/¯ and while searching this out to see if it was indeed for real, I came across an iPhone app for all those app lovers out there…
iPoop ???? ewwwwwww.

Well, as weird or gross as this is it definitely made me giggle tonight. Although, I am known for having a strange sense of humor. ◕‿◕ … Good nite my friends,



Filed under: Army Life,Digital Scrapbooking,Emotions,Family,Humor — Laurie @ 6:47 am

I would love to say this was a unique scene in our lives….sadly, it is not.

We were on our way out to the Greenway to meet up with friends for a spontaneous “Field Day” for our homeschool.

I realized half way there I left my purse at home.

I had no money, driver license and more importantly, my military ID was sitting in my purse back at the house!

This meant I could not get back on post when the day was over.

We had to wait for the family we were going to meet to pick us up at Hastings and they obviously were not happy with me!!

In the meantime, Jason brought my purse to the Tahoe on his lunch hour.

When I got back to the truck, my purse was waiting for me and we went straight in the gate at the end of the day.

It would have been a completely different outcome if Jason was deployed……


The joy of Skyping….. May 21, 2010

Filed under: Army Life,Blogging,Children,Emotions,Family,Humor,Internet,JennySpouse,Military,Skype — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:05 pm

hehe…as much as I love Skype we all know how frustrating it can be sometimes. Although, I truly am so very thankful. Being able to Skype with your hubby brings such joy and peace of mind b/c not only do you get to talk to him but you get to see him as well and it’s great to see that he is safe wherever he is.. 😉 I truly believe it helps the girls feel as though he’s not so far away. Of course they miss him and talk about him constantly…they talk about what we will do when he comes home for Christmas (fingers crossed) but being able to skype with him has made it so much easier for them to deal with. It’s so funny how the girls will come running when they hear the call coming in from Skype.. they scream “It’s daddy, it’s daddy” as they run through the house fighting eachother to get to the computer first. 🙂 Oh the joy. (oh…and that reminds me of something Miss A asked tonight too… she asked, “Do some people cry in joy?” ‘awwwww’ I explained to her how someone could be so happy that they cry…like when daddy comes home we will be so happy that there will be tears of joy. 🙂 )
Sleep well my friends,ღ

                                    shared with permission from Julie Negron of


There’s a new sheriff in town…. May 20, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,camera,colorado,Family,fun,Humor,Internet,photography,photos,random,Vacation,video — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:37 pm

Ok…I think I’m finally done with all the pics from when the family was down. ツ
We decided to check out the Colorado Springs Ghosttown before everyone went their separate ways…honestly, I expected more but I guess I shouldn’t have for $6.50 per adult. Overall though, it was pretty neat and most everyone enjoyed it with the exception of Miss A who stated many times that it was kinda creepy. 🙂 I have to admit that we weren’t very good role models to the little ones…climbing on things we weren’t supposed to..going inside the jail room that I’m not so sure was meant to be left open… but that’s what made it so much fun. 😉 (not that it makes it any better but we were extremely careful….I promise) ツ
Good night my friends,ღ


So it begins….

Filed under: Children,Family,Humor — Laurie @ 8:01 am

Ahhh….can you feel the teenage years beginning? I can.

Her dad is mowing the lawn and she thought something he said or did was not up to her standard of expertise. 😉


Who you gonna call⁇…….Ghostbusters‼ May 19, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor,Internet — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:05 pm

OMGosh… Ghostbusters is definitely one of those classics that can’t easily be forgotten.. I loved the movie when I was younger (hehe…Slimer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow man…totally cool of course. 😉 ) and kudos to the Improv Everywhere guys for bringing it back… great job!

ETA: Be sure to check out the behind the scenes footage at the link I posted…too funny. 😀


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall….

Filed under: Army Life,Children,Humor — Laurie @ 2:13 pm

I used the restroom at the doctor’s office today. They had the MOST amazing mirror in their bathroom!

I’ve seen the style periodically and just LOVE them!

They are huge and they angle down.

They make your backside look so small.

It is like going into the bathroom after a movie.

After staring at a mammoth screen for two hours, I always feel dainty when I see my reflection.

It is such a let down when I get home and look in my own mirror again.

I either need to get a big tilted mirror….or buy a wall sized theater screen TV.

I certainly don’t think I will start exercising to ACTUALLY have a smaller rear.

Illusions are fine with me for now….:-)

The following video is just a snippet of a video I made at Christmas from our “after deployment” vacation in the Smokies this last year.

It fit into the “mirror” theme so I had to share it!


Dedicated to all Phineas and Ferb fans… May 18, 2010

Filed under: Humor — Laurie @ 12:35 pm

To: Rebecca, Jason, Michelle, Joy, Kathleen, Amber and Brandon 🙂

(and the rest of the devotees of Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus)

MOM! Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence!

How to draw Phineas and Ferb Step 1

How to draw Phineas and Ferb Step 2

How to Draw Phineas and Ferb Step 3

How to draw Phineas and Ferb Step 4

How to draw phineas and Ferb Step 5

How to draw Phineas and Ferb Step 6


Who, who, who, who, who let the dogs out?….. May 16, 2010

Filed under: Family,Humor — Laurie @ 4:38 pm

We were getting ready for church this morning and realized we forgot to run the dishwasher last night.

All our bowls were dirty….so Jason grabbed Ally’s dog bowl to eat his cereal!

(To his defense, Ally has a few bowls and we store them in the same cabinet.)


exhausted….. May 14, 2010

Filed under: Army Life,camera,Family,Humor,photography — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:56 pm

It seems I’ve said this many times in the last couple weeks here on the blog…being exhausted is how I’ve been feeling most of the time lately… but exhausted doesn’t even begin to explain how I feel right now. I’d look up a more fitting word but I’m just too tired to do so. (laurie… 😉 ) Today was so crazy that we went out for dinner at 10pm…my poor babies.
Again…I’ve got lots of pics and video to go through but here’s one from today that made me laugh. 😀 (Oh, this is Stacy’s hubby Javier.. SIL & BIL)

Good nite!


just some random bra fun… ;) May 13, 2010

Filed under: Children,Humor,photography — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:16 pm

We have been gone all day and I have to get up early tomorrow for another long day… I’ve got tons of pics and video to go through  but it will have to wait till this weekend…so I just thought I’d share a couple of random pics I snapped of Miss A this morning as we were getting ready… really.. what is the fascination with these???? 😀 =D

Good night & Sweet Dreams,


Are you Happy with the girls? ;-) May 8, 2010

Filed under: Humor — heidicampbellphotography @ 8:27 pm

lol…Ohemgee!!!! 😯 ok…I guess I can say that I’m happy with my girls. At least if they start to sag they won’t even come close to my belly button…ok.. maybe a little, but still. 😀


Insomnia…. May 7, 2010

Filed under: Army Life,Humor,Insomnia — Laurie @ 2:35 am

Today, we took the plunge and contacted an agent to help us find a home at our next duty station.

If we choose to buy, it will be our first home together.

I woke up from of a hard sleep at 3am just to come look at the listings he sent one more time.

We are not due to arrive for 9 months so this could mean a lot of sleepless nights in the future.

I really can’t decide if that is what woke me up…or if I just have to find out what happened next in Breaking Dawn.

Both are very exciting.

cartoon from


blinking cursor…blinking cursor…blinking cursor May 4, 2010

Filed under: Housekeeping,Humor,Internet — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:40 pm

I have a pounding headache… Yes, I know Laurie… I need to drink some water. Today was a much needed coffee day but I am paying for it now. *uuugghhh* And so, as I was sitting here trying to decide what to post tonight and looking at my amazingly organised desk 🙄 I remembered this cartoon I came across the other day that made me laugh 😆

 And here is what it looks like in real life… I did take this pic about a week ago or so but sadly, it looks pretty much just like this right now… 😯 I know, it really is sad.

Until mañana, 




The Tooth Fairy…

Filed under: Humor,Internet — Laurie @ 8:07 pm

cartoon from

I am not really looking out the window though…

I am watching The Tooth Fairy and it’s slightly disturbing to see the Rock with wings and wearing tights…..


Lucky Charms…. May 3, 2010

Filed under: Children,Humor — Laurie @ 8:49 pm

I so love advertising and marketing!

The Irish Spring bottle says  “All the Freshness of Ireland, Bottled!”  AND it gets better….”You’re holding an entire country of freshness in one convenient bottle-that smells crisp and fresh all day”  Wow!!

It sounds like overkill…BUT NO!  It really does smell like leprechauns playing soccer in a big green field.  It is wonderful…

Why am I telling you all this?

Because Miss A said something the other day that will make me smile every time I use Irish Spring for the rest of my days:

Mrs. A finished taking a bath first and hopped in bed with me to read Beverly Lewis while I read Twilight.

Mr. B showers in the master bath so he had to exit the bathroom while we were in the room.

He darted out with his hair still dripping because he can’t seem to hold the towel on his head long enough to actually absorb the water,ever!

But as he left, the smell of Irish Spring wafted out of the steaming bathroom and Amber looked at me (completely serious) and said

“He’s growing up.”

I didn’t know what she meant….so she explained “He actually used soap instead of just water”

We both sat there for a second and inhaled the warm scent as I realized….

Yes, I guess he is growing up.  *sigh*


We’ve all met her….. May 1, 2010

Filed under: Army Life,Friendship,Humor,Military — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:45 pm

I came across an article today and I just had to share because yes, it’s SO true.  Sometimes, every so often, as you move around the Military or associate with people in the Military, you will meet her. She’s the one who is stirring up trouble in your neighborhood. She wears her husband’s rank. Her kids are more well behaved and smarter than yours. And when you meet her, you will know. She’s the one I’m warning you about.

It’s unfortunate in our wide and wonderful Military that there are some spouses who don’t realize they did not enlist, nor did they earn a commission to serve. Yes, our position as “Spouse” is one of great importance, but there’s no compensation for that, other than the hearty hand clap at the occassional Military ceremony that honors us in conjunction with our service-members accomplishments. The “Spouse” position is certainly honorable, but it’s not one that merits discourteous behavior, rudeness and down right snobbishness. And the longer you stick around you WILL meet her…or them. So, how do you deal with the spouses who act as if they know more, have been more places, who wear their husband’s rank and think they have it so together? It’s simple if you’re prepared and not put off by the situation. Here are some examples of offending spouses put in categories that you may find helpful. When dealing with…….. 

Clearly, not all Military spouses fit into these three categories. Not all spouses are evil, vindictive or manipulative. And as you transition through the Military, you’ll learn how to deal with all sorts of people in many situations. The beauty of it all? Well, if you do encounter women like these, one of you will most likely be leaving next summer anyway. ツ

Much Love,




Desperately need some sleep……o(╥﹏╥)o April 30, 2010

Filed under: Army Life,Blogging,Emotions,Humor,JennySpouse,Military — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:23 pm

                                                        Shared with permission from Julie Negron Creator of


this is all I’ve got tonight… =) Good night my friends. *yawn*


Please…a little courtesy! ¯\(°_o)/¯ April 29, 2010

Filed under: Army Life,Blogging,Children,Emotions,Humor,JennySpouse — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:17 pm

Yes….I picked the wrong day to go shopping but I had no choice… really… we were down to having to find some creative ways of making Ramen more appealing. 8O So, off I went…kids in tow..and between the Commissary, Walmart and a few other stores, I truly think I added a couple more greys today…L’OREAL to the rescue….? :? I’m frustrated, I’m tired and spent WAY more money than I intended to…           

( *sigh*…when’s the best time to go back for returns) uuuuggghhhh. :cry:

                        Shared with permission from Julie Negron Creator of