Army Wives Lives Three Sixty Five

A daily snapshot into the lives of a couple Army wives

Movin’: Week 2 August 26, 2010


Our little Stay-cation… July 3, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,coffee,Family,Vacation — Laurie @ 8:06 am

Ok…not really a Stay-cation…
We actually just went to the movies and out to eat, but it cost so much to do both these days, we better pad our Dave Ramsey envelopes better!!

That aside….we had a wonderful Friday.

Jason had the day off and the 2nd was the release of The Last Airbender. The kids have seen the ENTIRE series between Youtube and Netflix.

They finally sucked me into watching them the last couple of weeks and they are really good.

I found my self laughing at Sokka and cheering Aang when he would kick Fire Nation butt!

We were trying to surprise the kids with the movie….but Mr. B  knew something was up because I was getting TOO ready.

We tried to tell them we were just going to the bank and PX…but Mr. B whispered to Miss. A…”I think we are going somewhere else…they are getting really dressed up”

Danget, they are growing up.

After the movie, we went to Silkies…OH YUM. It is a local German bakery.

Sandwiches, desserts and the best German coffee I’ve ever had.

It was a wonderful day. As you can see…we like to be serious and poised when we spend time together.

Next time we will try to relax a bit 🙂


I Heart Coffee…. June 24, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,coffee,Humor,video,youtube — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:20 pm

Have you ever drank so much coffee that you think maybe you’re having a heart attack, or maybe even an acid trip? Your speeding along in your mind, barely keeping up with your own thoughts but taking careful note of every minor irritation that crosses your path. …your jumpy, shaky, irritable and now feel the need to stuff your body with food to soak up all that caffeine. (that works, right?) Anyone? No? Well, it looks like I’ll be up for a while. 😯


oh, oh, oh…..Look what I found though…. I REALLY think I NEED some of these and can you guess my fav?

 can ya, can ya, can ya….?  EEEEEK! 😀


