Army Wives Lives Three Sixty Five

A daily snapshot into the lives of a couple Army wives

“Obviously”… July 9, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor — Laurie @ 11:15 am

Well….maybe not:

These little packets make me crazy.  I just can’t imagine the circumstance that made someone print “Do Not Eat” on the outside!!

If I am hungry while cleaning out a shoebox or bag…and find one of these… would never cross my mind to think “Hmmm, this looks tasty!!!”

“Caution: The contents of this bottle should not be fed to fish.” — On a bottle of shampoo for dogs.
“For external use only!” — On a curling iron.
“Warning: This product can burn eyes.” — On a curling iron.
“Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover.” — On a pair of shin guards made for bicyclists.
“Do not drive with sun shield in place.” — On a cardboard sun shield that keeps the sun off the dashboard.
“Do not use near fire, flame, or sparks.” — On an “Aim-n-Flame” fireplace lighter.
“This product is not to be used in bathrooms.” — On a Holmes bathroom heater.
“May irritate eyes.” — On a can of self-defense pepper spray.
“Warning: May contain small parts.” — On a frisbee.
“Do not use orally.” — On a toilet bowl cleaning brush.
“Do not use for drying pets.” — In the manual for a microwave oven.
“Warning: Riders of personal watercraft may suffer injury due to the forceful injection of water into body cavities either by falling into the water or while mounting the craft.” — In the manual for a jet ski.
“Do not use as ear plugs.” — On a package of silly putty.
“Caution: Remove infant before folding for storage.” — On a portable stroller.
“For indoor or outdoor use only.” — On a string of Christmas lights.
“Not for human consumption.” — On a package of dice.
“May be harmful if swallowed.” — On a shipment of hammers

I think Snape sums it up…..:)


tooF[less] Grin…. July 8, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Digital Scrapbooking,Events,fun,Kids,life,photography,Scrapbooking — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:31 pm

{this moment}
Capturing a moment, a simple, special,
extraordinary moment. A moment I
want to pause, savor, remember.


A night without melatonin…

Filed under: Blogging,Humor,Insomnia — Laurie @ 2:56 am


Swagger Wagon….. July 7, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor,Internet,video,youtube — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:35 pm

 I’m not sure we would ever get a minivan but this has got to be the best commercial I’ve ever seen…almost…

and I mean, almost…makes me want to run out and get my own swagger wagon. =)

(hehe) Good night my friends,


Messes=Memories… July 6, 2010

Filed under: baking,Blogging,Children,Cooking,Family,Food,fun,Humor,Kids,life,Love,photography,photos,Qoutes,random,Summer — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:55 pm

The girls and I made a huge mess tonight, baking cupcakes and decorating them…

It truly is amazing how much of a mess two little girls can make but it was worth it to see their
smiles and hear the giggles. And of course, as I was going through the pictures I snapped tonight,

these two made me smile so I just had to share. =)
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Much Love ❤


Like an Ant under a magnifying glass…

Filed under: Blogging,Choices,Faith,Uncategorized — Laurie @ 7:10 am

That is what it feels like to be a Christian.  It can get pretty doggone hot…. (Especially when you get lumped into the typical mold of American/political/television Christianity…nasty stuff…)

For years, we didn’t drink.  We were making a personal choice based on our abuse of alcohol before we were Christians.

We were judged for that choice by Christians and non-Christians alike.

After almost 10 years, we can have a few drinks and we will not lose our minds.  Guess what, as a Christian we are judged for that too….by both sides.

We are judged for homeschooling our children.  By Christians and non-Christians…

We are judged for using cash.  YES…literally looked at like we have 3 heads by bank tellers, cashiers, friends and family.  Christian and non-Christian.

We are judged again, if we make a choice to charge for personal reasons.

We are judged by Christians and non-Christians for our movie and tv choices….  Not the most important topic of the times, but I needed to remember for myself why we don’t watch R-rated movies and turn off most PG-13.

When those around you…including Christians,  think you are stupid for making certain decisions, you start to wonder and second guess your sanity.

Why we don’t watch R-rated shows and movies….(or 90% of what is offered these days…)

We get the craziest responses from people when we turn down watching a Rated R movie.  It is painfully clear what others are thinking.  The looks come from all faiths….or lack thereof.

It’s like a marquee sign scrolling through their eyes….”You homeschool, believe in God….your email has a reference to God…OF COURSE you don’t!”

We feel immediate judgment of our choice….”poor, sheltered, legalistic Christian family”.

It is thick in the room….

No one has ever asked us WHY we make this choice.   Sometimes I try to explain…but the judgment has already been rendered.  They are probably afraid I am going to tell them they are going to hell for watching bad movies…*sigh*.

The subject is quickly diverted in another direction because we are immediately pigeon holed into that category of “radical”, “crazy” and overall “stuffy”.

We also don’t have cable.  Now we’ve really done it!!  (Of course, having no cable is a Dave Ramsey choice…not our radical religious views, but people jump to that conclusion anyway.)

First of all…. Those of you who have judged us for NOT watching R-rated movies…did you know that we don’t judge you for watching them?  We could care less what your choices are.

It’s funny how people judge others for doing something “good”.  Such a twisted world….

A few reasons for our media choices:

1)      We watched “A History of Violence” in 2005 at the theater and it was great….truly.  But they HAD to put the scene where they show them having sex on the stairs.  Vividly.  It wasn’t necessary to the plot; it didn’t enhance the movie…(as is the case most of the time.)  It was just there.  I really don’t want to be shocked by scenes like that no matter how great the movie.  I hear people talk about similar sentiments all the time….and yet the next movie comes out and the same choices are made.

2)      We would absolutely rent more R movies, especially war movies.  I can see the reality of cussing in war.  I did when I was in the military….I get it.  It is normal….it is reality.  However, my kids do not need to hear it in the other room at their age.  We will probably shift our viewing habits when we are empty nesters.  Then again…I kind of like not hearing  f*** and G** D*** over and over.   It just gets old.

3)      I am a strong believer in the “the battlefield of the mind”.  Whatever goes in the mind….never truly goes away.  Not really.  Every little choice of movie, song or television show WILL shape our opinions and views.  If a movie can make us feel good…it can also make us feel other things….

4)      Just because I have the RIGHT to watch anything I want (even God gives me the go ahead )…It doesn’t mean I should just open the floodgates and let someone else determine what I can’t get out of my thoughts.  I get to choose.  I have the RIGHT to smoke and eat a Krispy Kreme donut everyday too, but it doesn’t mean it is good for me.    When I push play on a Blu-Ray…without knowing what is getting ready to pop up…I willingly give someone else control over my mind.  I let someone else choose what is going to get subconsciously lodged there.  No thanks.

5)      I know the current system isn’t foolproof….but it is pretty doggone accurate.  If someone with very little sensitivity to the way God thinks (Hollywood overgeneralization…I know) is going to rate something R…then I can be pretty sure it will not line up with Philippians 4:8.  And since we choose to use the Bible as our guide in decision making….it makes since we would try to follow it.  We have turned off plenty of PG-13 for the same reason.  Rating really doesn’t matter…but it is just easier to follow that, then sift through all the garbage to find the good stuff.

6)      The justifying argument is ….”There are so many great R-rated movies out there.”  Many that tell a great story….we are told ”these movies are just explaining life and life is hard!”  We get that too…  If we are told of a movie we should see because it fits the bill.  We will watch it.  However, I am not going to pick movies at random and choose to spend my money on the unknown.  It would be like trying to enjoy Cracker Barrel food out of a dumpster.  You many get some great food, great flavor, and great satisfaction….however you would have to take the chance of biting into something rotten.  I am just not willing to take the chance.  I have more important ways to spend my time than worrying about missing the latest great movie or sitcom.

7)      I want to emphasize…this is OUR conviction.  I have found I feel things deeply.  I internalize them.  I am moved to action by what I see and hear. I can drink a couple of drinks while enjoying conversation with friends and it doesn’t change me one way or the other.  Some people cannot do that.  It is all very personal.  I think Jason is not as effected as I am.  I am pretty sure he makes different choices when he is deployed than when he is home.  He simply respects me enough to wait and watch certain movies when we are not together. I extend the same courtesy to him when it comes to my girly movies!!  And we both agree… the language in most of the movies we would want to watch, should not be blasting through the house in our crisp Bose speakers!

Lately, I have seen a lot of movies I REALLY want to watch and I have to talk myself out of it.

I started to forget why we made this choice.  I never, never…want to do something just because we always have.

That’s religion and religion can get ugly.   I still want to watch the movies….I just choose not to for now.

If I am ever released of this conviction…I am sure I will be judged for that too.

If an American was condemned to confine his activity to his own affairs, he would be robbed of one half of his existence. ~Alexis de Tocqueville


Happy 5th of July! =) July 5, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Faith,video,youtube — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:02 pm



Red Skelton dissects the Pledge of Allegiance. Amazing…Amen!


Good night my friends,


Ally’s Perspective on the 4th….

Filed under: 4th of July,Blogging,Humor,Pets — Laurie @ 7:50 am

Not EVERYBODY loves fireworks! Poor girl, is scared the entire weekend…..


Many Blessings & A Happy 4th of July 2010!!! July 4, 2010

Filed under: 4th of July,Army Life,Blogging,Children,colorado,Family,Military,photography,Summer,Weather — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:58 pm

I’m feeling a little bummed this 4th of July….  First, It’s just not the same with out my best friend, my hubby…miss you baby. =(  Then, we missed the festivities here on Post because I didn’t know they were celebrating  a day early….and tonight,  after running out to get a nice assortment of Sparklers and the makings for smores, we had a storm roll in that turned our fun night around the fire pit into a scramble to put out the fire and gather everything up. Looks like we’ll be trying this again tomorrow night. =) We did catch the end of the show last night from the back porch and so I was able to try my hand at capturing some fireworks. (Last year was an utter fail) but this year, not so bad.  I have to add that the girls LOVED every second of the last five minutes we saw of the show… they were so excited…ooo’ing & ahhh’ing and saying how amazing it was…at one point Miss A turned to Miss Yay and said, “Wow… it’s a Miracle!” =)

I pray that each of you had a wonderful day/weekend full of  food, fun, family, friends & much love!




Independence Day 2010…

Filed under: 4th of July,Blogging,Family,Friendship,Uncategorized — Laurie @ 4:07 pm

The boat races were actually on the 3rd. Tonight will be sparklers and smores….:)

Added later…


You Matter… July 3, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Choices,Faith,Family,Friendship,Internet,life,photography — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:12 pm

I stumbled upon this beauty by Seth Godin and thought I’d share.

You matter:

* When you love the work you do and the people you do it with, you matter.
* When you are so gracious and generous and aware that you think of other people before yourself, you matter.
* When you leave the world a better place than you found it, you matter.
* When you continue to raise the bar on what you do and how you do it, you matter.
* When you teach and forgive and teach more before you rush to judge and demean, you matter.
* When you touch the people in your life through your actions (and your words), you matter.
* When kids grow up wanting to be you, you matter.
* When you see the world as it is, but insist on making it more like it could be, you matter.
* When you inspire a Nobel prize winner or a slum dweller, you matter.
* When the room brightens when you walk in, you matter.
* And when the legacy you leave behind lasts for hours, days or a lifetime, you matter.

Always remeber…..
As a fellow Christian, I need you to matter. As a mom or dad, husband or wife; your family needs you to matter. You’re too important to not be significatnt. Matter!

And just because… here is a shot I snapped on my cell…not technically correct in anyway but I love it all the same…

this was for their daddy and they matter. =)




Much Love,


Our little Stay-cation…

Filed under: Blogging,Children,coffee,Family,Vacation — Laurie @ 8:06 am

Ok…not really a Stay-cation…
We actually just went to the movies and out to eat, but it cost so much to do both these days, we better pad our Dave Ramsey envelopes better!!

That aside….we had a wonderful Friday.

Jason had the day off and the 2nd was the release of The Last Airbender. The kids have seen the ENTIRE series between Youtube and Netflix.

They finally sucked me into watching them the last couple of weeks and they are really good.

I found my self laughing at Sokka and cheering Aang when he would kick Fire Nation butt!

We were trying to surprise the kids with the movie….but Mr. B  knew something was up because I was getting TOO ready.

We tried to tell them we were just going to the bank and PX…but Mr. B whispered to Miss. A…”I think we are going somewhere else…they are getting really dressed up”

Danget, they are growing up.

After the movie, we went to Silkies…OH YUM. It is a local German bakery.

Sandwiches, desserts and the best German coffee I’ve ever had.

It was a wonderful day. As you can see…we like to be serious and poised when we spend time together.

Next time we will try to relax a bit 🙂


awwwwwwww…=) July 2, 2010

Filed under: Birds,Blogging,colorado,life,photography,Summer,swallows — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:39 pm


The Girls were playing out front today and all of a sudden came running in super excited…
” Mommy, Mommy, Mommy… the eggs hatched! There is little birdies now, we can see ’em!”🙂
So cute! (check out the little fuzzies on their heads…hehe) I pulled out the step ladder so I could try to get a couple of snaps of them.. but the poor things would throw their little heads up in the air every time the flash would go off…lol…I was using my external flash to try to get some light up in that corner and I swear I had it down as low as I could put it and was not pointing it at them of course, but it obviously scared the mess out of them…ooops…I felt so bad. Poor things.  =) 
Anyway, as the girls would say… They’re just sooo tute!!

 Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.  ~John N. Mitchell


My Alter Egos…

Filed under: Blogging,Humor — Laurie @ 5:33 am

Heidi and I must be on the same wave length.

I woke up to see her malfunctioning brain post this morning and knew my post would fit perfectly!

We do not coordinate these things.  I promise!

(I had to scramble the morning she posted Keisha’s pregnancy! ;-))

I would guess both of us (mainly her…) have a little bit of  brain damage.

I am not sure why, but I can relate to animated cartoon-ish characters  more than real characters in movies!

I grabbed the ones I could most relate to….

Grinch:  Wrestling with his schedule….

Dory:  I can’t remember….

Mad Hatter:  Survival….

Po:   Motivated by food….


Tap…Tap…Tap…is this thing on? July 1, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:47 pm


Our new house…already!!…

Filed under: Army Life,Blogging,colorado,Friendship — Laurie @ 6:31 am

I am still stunned.

We’ve never experienced a military move like this in 12 years.

We’ve always wondered  if we would have a home at the other end of traveling. (And no we didn’t)

When we were assigned a home, it is always a structure from the World War II era.  I love history, but….

Our first move on to post was a TWO year wait.  I remember being so confused when we got a call from housing.  After two years of waiting, I forgot we were even on the list!

Our next two moves were traumatic.

Maryland housing said they would probably have something for us…no promises.

We actually had keys dangling over our hand when a woman walked in, whispered in the housing agents ear and the keys were taken away.

They informed us at that point, they didn’t know how long the wait would be…..and sorry.

We scrambled to rent a home right away.

Unfortunately, we didn’t double check the neighborhood.   We were able to watch “Cops” from our front door.

Interesting… but not the safest feeling.

Our move to Kentucky was just as uncertain.  The army tells you it is time to move, but there is no promise of a place to live on the other end!

The whole process was infuriating.

Jason and I spent Christmas apart because we had to wait on a home here.

We spend alot of holidays apart…it was unnecessary with a little more coordination when soldiers are being moved!

THIS TIME….is completely different.

We found out our ADDRESS yesterday!  What??  The Army is changing!

And these were built in this decade…bonus!

Heidi went out and took a couple of shots from her cell and sent them to me right away.  Absolutely amazing.

I am grateful beyond words.  80% of the stress involved in moving faded with these two beautiful pictures…

Time to enjoy the last couple of months here and start a new life in the mountains without worrying about where we will live. 🙂


Late Night Munchies… June 30, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Food — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:59 pm

I went to the store tonight for some essentials and some how walked out with mostly snacks….hmmm…

and it looks like the girls took off with the bag of candy…. Gonna have to get that back. =) 

Since I seem to have a variety of snacks to keep me happy, I think I’ll take advantage of the quiet in the house

and curl up on the couch and watch a movie. Yay, me time!!  Got to take it when I can.  

I will definitely have to pray Tim Hawkins prayer on food and ask the Lord to change the

molecular structure of all of this though… hehe =)

Good night my friends,


OhEmGee!!! We’re going to be grandparents… June 29, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Family,life — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:57 pm

 I received a call today from Kiesha saying that she had some Big news to tell me..she’s pregnant.

I still can’t believe it. I think I’m in shock…I am so excited for her and Brandon though.

This little one will definitely be truly blessed with some pretty amazing parents. 

I am so very proud of them.  I guess what I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around is the thought

of us being Grandparents…yikes…REALLY???? 36 never felt so old…lol. 

 When Jeff called this evening I gave him the news…his exact words were, “Wow….ummmm…Wow….Grandpa.” 

lol… yes baby…your going to be a Grandpa. =) Our first-born is going to be a mama. Wow…… 

I was 16 when I had Kiesha and truly had no idea what I was doing…  but I Thank the Lord that even with all the

mistakes we made as parents, she turned out to be a beautiful, amazing, woman with such a love for Christ and

was blessed with a wonderful man of God who Loves her with all that is in him.

 I couldn’t ask for more. I guess being grandparents isn’t all that bad. =)



I think I’m gonna cry….


To my shame…

Filed under: Blogging,Digital Scrapbooking,photography,Scrapbooking — Laurie @ 5:28 am

I don’t print.

I have over 15,000 pictures on my hard drive.

I’ve had exactly 8 of them printed.

The days of dropping rolls of film off and impatiently waiting to see them are over.

I am an instant gratification kind of gal and these digital files are tiny pieces of heaven.

Looking back, I stopped paper scrapbooking around the same time I bought my Canon Rebel…


I passed my refrigerator yesterday and forgot about the silly family frame I bought eight…YES eight months ago!

I bought it with the  Field of Dreams mindset…”If I put it up….I will print”

Nope.  My cousin is on  the frig…not quite IN the frame.  But of course, I didn’t print that.

Maybe I need a Grand Piano.  I don’t play.  But it seems everyone that has one, prints their pictures and puts them on top.

That might be extreme though…


Scales are Evil…. June 28, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Choices,life,Weight loss — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:50 pm

Why do we torture ourselves…ok, maybe it’s just me but, I step on that scale almost every

morning and for what exactly? Has anything changed? Of course nothings changed.

I’m not doing anything to change it. No more complaining though…

I am determined to get myself back in shape before Jeff comes home…

ok, maybe just lose a few pounds but regardless this has got to stop!

I have decided that if I must weigh myself everyday then I will from here on out

weigh myself just like this…



Good night my friends,


Ready or not….

Filed under: Blogging,Humor — Laurie @ 5:53 am


Melatonin…ahhhh, those lovely, tiny pills. June 27, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Insomnia — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:14 pm

That’s it… I give. It’s 11pm and the melatonin I gulped down with the last of my coffee is starting to kick in. =)

Good night & sweet dreams,

Dawn: When men of reason go to bed. ~Ambrose Bierce


I quit!!! No, no I won’t….

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Family,homeschooling — Laurie @ 5:55 am

Every year, I swear that I am at the end of my rope and I cannot possibly continue to homeschool.
I limp into August with an eye twitch and a few more grey hairs.

I spent Saturday finishing a binder for the last school year.
We didn’t accomplish anything spectacular…but as I put the books on the shelf and saw all of them lined up…
it was all I needed to find the strength to start again.

I think this is why it was important to build alters in the Old Testament….
why we need memorials and physical reminders of strength.

Somehow, knowing what has been overcome already can give you the strength to take another step.

These books represent mistakes, joy, lost tempers, priceless hours together,

moments of disrespect,crying (by me and the kids),

forgiveness, slammed doors and laughter.

Oh…it has academics, but that is not the first thing I see.

I see hope.

Hope that we can do this another year.

Maybe this will be the year I do it right…..naaaa….probably not! 😉

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. – William Butler Yeats


Help, my house has been taken over by laundry! June 26, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Laundry — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:37 pm

Seriously….. how in the world do I let myself get so far behind? One day I’m on top of it all, completely caught up, then something happens and all of a sudden I’m days behind…uuuugghh! It’s a depressing, never-ending cycle.
If I had better self-esteem I might consider joining a nudist colony…ok…I kid…seriosly! lol… =) But, I do think I may need to go shopping…my hampers full of dirty PJ’s….what the heck will I wear tomorrow? 😉
I know…I live such an exciting life. =) Don’t hate! 

It's out of Control!!


I’m a Pepper, She’s a Pepper…

Filed under: Blogging,video — Laurie @ 6:05 am

My new favorite diet soda….

Anyone else remember this one?? I didn’t realize the American Werewolf sang this!! 🙂