Army Wives Lives Three Sixty Five

A daily snapshot into the lives of a couple Army wives

Messes=Memories… July 6, 2010

Filed under: baking,Blogging,Children,Cooking,Family,Food,fun,Humor,Kids,life,Love,photography,photos,Qoutes,random,Summer — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:55 pm

The girls and I made a huge mess tonight, baking cupcakes and decorating them…

It truly is amazing how much of a mess two little girls can make but it was worth it to see their
smiles and hear the giggles. And of course, as I was going through the pictures I snapped tonight,

these two made me smile so I just had to share. =)
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Much Love ❤