Army Wives Lives Three Sixty Five

A daily snapshot into the lives of a couple Army wives

We Remember…. September 11, 2010

Filed under: 2001,9/11,Anniversary,Blogging,Emotions,Events,Faith,life,photography,photos,Qoutes,september 11 — heidicampbellphotography @ 8:57 pm

On September 11th, 2001 nearly 3000 Americans unexpectedly stepped into eternity.

No matter where we were or what we were doing that day… We Remember.

Please take a moment to listen to this recording,  Michael DelGiorno’s words are truly powerful.

“9/11 2010 Anniversary Address and Tribute” Michael DelGiorno show

I also thought I’d take this opportunity to share a photo by Chris Johnson, an amazing man and photographer

who recently lost his battle with Parkinson’s disease. in remembrance

“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children.”
President George W. Bush

Much Love & Blessings,


365? ok…how about 52 weeks? =) August 12, 2010

Filed under: art,Blogging,Choices,Family,fun,homeschooling,Kids,life,paint,photography,photos,Projects,Qoutes,random — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:23 pm

For those of you who might have been wondering what happened to us posting daily, Laurie and I have decided to

keep it to just one post a week from now on… with Laurie’s move, school starting in just a couple of days,

among a million other things…we decided it was just a bit too much to try to keep up with.

I don’t know how those of you who do these POTD’s keep up.  =)

As for what’s been going on around here the last week…

well, the shipment of Miss A & Yay’s school supplies came in.. I’m sure the UPS guy loved carrying all those

heavy boxes  to our front door. =) The girls were so excited to tear into them and truly can’t wait to get started.

I’m so glad that they are all so excited about this…I sure hope that doesn’t change.  😉

And…while trying to find a place to store it all I came across all my “wanna be an artist” supplies and decided to let the girls have some fun. =)

(true artists at work) =)

While they played I thought I’d play a little.. guess I was feeling inspired. 😉  I think I started out ok but than at some point

I decided to throw in a little mixed media flare and well, ummmm, let’s just say I should have left good enough alone. ツ

(i think i like it better in B&W) ¯\(o_o)/¯

Art washes away the dust of everyday life. ~ Pablo Picasso

Much Love & Blessings, ღ


Oh Oh, Oh Yeah! We’re Back….=) August 5, 2010

It’s been a bit crazy the last couple of weeks, with my “Spring Cleaning” (yes, I know… I’m late), running around getting paperwork straight for enrolling the girls in the Connections Academy and just life in general. =) Miss M has been a bit of a process to get enrolled b/c of her IEP paperwork but I am so happy to say that Miss A & Yay are now both officially enrolled. YAY!!!

On another note… the girls finally received their packages from their Daddy…They were so excited since it seemed to take FOREVER for them to arrive… =)

He sent some Afghan scarves he purchased off the Boardwalk for all three  of the girls and two little purses for Miss A & Yay. They Loved them, especially Miss A & Yay. It was so sweet. That night I walked into their room to see that they had both taken each of their scarves (i think they have 4 each) and laid them out on their pillows and fell asleep on them….awwwwwwww. (I’m kicking myself for not snapping a picture.) it really was cute.  🙂

They also received a book and video from the USO’s “United Through Reading Program”… What an awesome program!

Jeff was able to pick out a book for each of the girls and make a video of himself reading to them. They were so excited to sit down with their books. =) These will be something that they will always treasure.

I hope all of you had an amazing couple of weeks…..

Good night my friends,

“Someday I may find my Prince Charming, but my daddy will always be my king.”


Care for an Apple? July 18, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,fun,Humor,Music,photo Manipulation,photography,photos,photoshop,Projects,random — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:37 pm

I found an old tutorial as I was going through some files today on my computer so I thought I’d play a little bit…

Miss A saw it and mentioned how Auntie Erin has a tongue ring, I guess she’s seen this same open mouth expression from

Erin before and it reminded of course I had to add one. =)

Much love,

Listening to… NeedToBreathe “Washed By The Water”
(to open in new window, right click and choose open in new window.)


Frustration…. July 17, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,computers,Electronics,Humor,life,photography,photos,random,Technology — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:41 pm

I know that last one picked up some weird effect on my monitor but notice the 99 updates…and that was just the beginning..


Good night my friends,


Computers, can’t live with ’em can’t live without ’em… July 16, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,computers,Electronics,Emotions,life,Technology — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:59 pm

At least that’s how I feel most of the time…uuuggghhh… apparently, one of the updates had an error and was causing issues with my computer. I finally decided to bite the bullet and take it back to factory tonight..still in the process as I type… It has literally been updating for almost 4 hours and I still have to re-install all my programs, like Photoshop, Lightroom, etc…. And of course, just as I had finished getting the girls out of the bath and brushing their hair out, Sarg throws up, twice…right in the middle of the livingroom on the carpet….so gross!!! I’d of taken a picture but I figured you all would rather not see that.. =) Guess I could have not mentioned it as well but … 😉 On a brighter note though… I’m starting with a clean slate on my computer and it seems to even be running faster.  I’m off to bed though, looks like I’ll have to finish this up tomorrow. I know my post says this was posted at 11:59pm but truthfully, it’s almost 3am. So…..

Good night my friends,


Sock camera? July 15, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,camera,Electronics,fun,Humor,Internet,photography,Technology — heidicampbellphotography @ 9:34 pm


How creative…. =) Netta Amir has a great imagination and amazing talent… and of course I fell in love with this one.

Love the detailing and especially the LCD screen which shows the image it has supposedly captured. 

Which of course is made out of socks as well… unfortunately, it takes kinda fuzzy pictures…hehe

But I love it regardless!

Much Love & Blessings,


Samba Baby Olé!… July 14, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Humor,Internet,video,youtube — heidicampbellphotography @ 8:34 pm

 I’m closing it down early tonight and am gonna go relax and watch a movie with the girls… Hope everyone had a great day. =)

And just because, here’s a video that I came across recently that is just too cute.

Much Love,


20 Reason why I Love my Husband… July 13, 2010

Filed under: Anniversary,Blogging,Choices,Deployment,Events,Faith,Family,life,Love,photography,photos — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:04 pm

1. I feel safe and secure in his arms.

2. He tells me daily how beautiful he thinks I am.

3. He’s tough on the outside but loving and tender on the inside.

4. He’s passionate, fierce and beautifully sensitive.

5. He acts like the biggest baby when he’s sick. =)

6. I love him even when he’s perverted. =)

7. He loves me despite my flaws.

8. He makes me feel like I am the only one in the world.

9. He’ll get up on the weekend with the kids and wake me when breakfast is ready.

10. I can trust him with my heart.

11. He’s taught me to laugh at myself.

12. I know without a doubt that he would do anything for me or the girls.

13. I see Christ in him.

14. He’s always respected me, honored me and loved me.

15. He is the one who made me a mother.

16. He is an amazing daddy.

17. Whenever I meet someone he knows, I’m always told how much he speaks about me and our girls.

18. We grew up together and came out the other end stronger.

19. He is the exact replica of my soul, my heart, my mind.

20. And today, we have been married 20 years. =)

Happy Anniversary to the most amazing man…Wish you were here…='(

I was pleasantly surprised by a delivery today… =) thank you baby!


‘Check’ it out….. July 12, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Housekeeping,life,photography — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:26 pm

I found a few nice little forgotten surprises going through my mountain of paper work last night…Yay!!

What an unexpected blessing. I can definitely say making myself go through

all that paperwork was worth the time now. =)



To Do List….. July 11, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Housekeeping,life,photography,photos,Projects,random — heidicampbellphotography @ 9:04 pm

Well, the laundry is officially back under control but my paperwork is about as out of control as my laundry was…yikes

And this is only part of it. =/ I’ve moved the pile to my livingroom floor though, and I’m popping in a movie…

Time to tackle the mountain and mark this off my ‘to do list’…wish me luck. =)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Much love,


So exhausted….. July 10, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Deployment,Humor,Internet,video,youtube — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:11 pm

 I am just too tired tonight and can not think of anything to post… So I’ll leave you all with this video and head to bed.

Wow… 4 hours earlier than whats been my normal bedtime lately. Gonna take advantage before I catch my second wind.

Good night my friends,


Still adding to my list…. July 9, 2010

Filed under: Army Life,Blogging,Deployment,Humor,Internet,JennySpouse,life,Military — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:23 pm

Shared with permission from Julie Negron of


Good night my friends, =)


tooF[less] Grin…. July 8, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Digital Scrapbooking,Events,fun,Kids,life,photography,Scrapbooking — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:31 pm

{this moment}
Capturing a moment, a simple, special,
extraordinary moment. A moment I
want to pause, savor, remember.


Swagger Wagon….. July 7, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor,Internet,video,youtube — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:35 pm

 I’m not sure we would ever get a minivan but this has got to be the best commercial I’ve ever seen…almost…

and I mean, almost…makes me want to run out and get my own swagger wagon. =)

(hehe) Good night my friends,


Messes=Memories… July 6, 2010

Filed under: baking,Blogging,Children,Cooking,Family,Food,fun,Humor,Kids,life,Love,photography,photos,Qoutes,random,Summer — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:55 pm

The girls and I made a huge mess tonight, baking cupcakes and decorating them…

It truly is amazing how much of a mess two little girls can make but it was worth it to see their
smiles and hear the giggles. And of course, as I was going through the pictures I snapped tonight,

these two made me smile so I just had to share. =)
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

Much Love ❤


Happy 5th of July! =) July 5, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Faith,video,youtube — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:02 pm



Red Skelton dissects the Pledge of Allegiance. Amazing…Amen!


Good night my friends,


Many Blessings & A Happy 4th of July 2010!!! July 4, 2010

Filed under: 4th of July,Army Life,Blogging,Children,colorado,Family,Military,photography,Summer,Weather — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:58 pm

I’m feeling a little bummed this 4th of July….  First, It’s just not the same with out my best friend, my hubby…miss you baby. =(  Then, we missed the festivities here on Post because I didn’t know they were celebrating  a day early….and tonight,  after running out to get a nice assortment of Sparklers and the makings for smores, we had a storm roll in that turned our fun night around the fire pit into a scramble to put out the fire and gather everything up. Looks like we’ll be trying this again tomorrow night. =) We did catch the end of the show last night from the back porch and so I was able to try my hand at capturing some fireworks. (Last year was an utter fail) but this year, not so bad.  I have to add that the girls LOVED every second of the last five minutes we saw of the show… they were so excited…ooo’ing & ahhh’ing and saying how amazing it was…at one point Miss A turned to Miss Yay and said, “Wow… it’s a Miracle!” =)

I pray that each of you had a wonderful day/weekend full of  food, fun, family, friends & much love!




You Matter… July 3, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Choices,Faith,Family,Friendship,Internet,life,photography — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:12 pm

I stumbled upon this beauty by Seth Godin and thought I’d share.

You matter:

* When you love the work you do and the people you do it with, you matter.
* When you are so gracious and generous and aware that you think of other people before yourself, you matter.
* When you leave the world a better place than you found it, you matter.
* When you continue to raise the bar on what you do and how you do it, you matter.
* When you teach and forgive and teach more before you rush to judge and demean, you matter.
* When you touch the people in your life through your actions (and your words), you matter.
* When kids grow up wanting to be you, you matter.
* When you see the world as it is, but insist on making it more like it could be, you matter.
* When you inspire a Nobel prize winner or a slum dweller, you matter.
* When the room brightens when you walk in, you matter.
* And when the legacy you leave behind lasts for hours, days or a lifetime, you matter.

Always remeber…..
As a fellow Christian, I need you to matter. As a mom or dad, husband or wife; your family needs you to matter. You’re too important to not be significatnt. Matter!

And just because… here is a shot I snapped on my cell…not technically correct in anyway but I love it all the same…

this was for their daddy and they matter. =)




Much Love,


awwwwwwww…=) July 2, 2010

Filed under: Birds,Blogging,colorado,life,photography,Summer,swallows — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:39 pm


The Girls were playing out front today and all of a sudden came running in super excited…
” Mommy, Mommy, Mommy… the eggs hatched! There is little birdies now, we can see ’em!”🙂
So cute! (check out the little fuzzies on their heads…hehe) I pulled out the step ladder so I could try to get a couple of snaps of them.. but the poor things would throw their little heads up in the air every time the flash would go off…lol…I was using my external flash to try to get some light up in that corner and I swear I had it down as low as I could put it and was not pointing it at them of course, but it obviously scared the mess out of them…ooops…I felt so bad. Poor things.  =) 
Anyway, as the girls would say… They’re just sooo tute!!

 Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.  ~John N. Mitchell


Tap…Tap…Tap…is this thing on? July 1, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Humor — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:47 pm


Late Night Munchies… June 30, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Food — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:59 pm

I went to the store tonight for some essentials and some how walked out with mostly snacks….hmmm…

and it looks like the girls took off with the bag of candy…. Gonna have to get that back. =) 

Since I seem to have a variety of snacks to keep me happy, I think I’ll take advantage of the quiet in the house

and curl up on the couch and watch a movie. Yay, me time!!  Got to take it when I can.  

I will definitely have to pray Tim Hawkins prayer on food and ask the Lord to change the

molecular structure of all of this though… hehe =)

Good night my friends,


OhEmGee!!! We’re going to be grandparents… June 29, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Children,Family,life — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:57 pm

 I received a call today from Kiesha saying that she had some Big news to tell me..she’s pregnant.

I still can’t believe it. I think I’m in shock…I am so excited for her and Brandon though.

This little one will definitely be truly blessed with some pretty amazing parents. 

I am so very proud of them.  I guess what I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around is the thought

of us being Grandparents…yikes…REALLY???? 36 never felt so old…lol. 

 When Jeff called this evening I gave him the news…his exact words were, “Wow….ummmm…Wow….Grandpa.” 

lol… yes baby…your going to be a Grandpa. =) Our first-born is going to be a mama. Wow…… 

I was 16 when I had Kiesha and truly had no idea what I was doing…  but I Thank the Lord that even with all the

mistakes we made as parents, she turned out to be a beautiful, amazing, woman with such a love for Christ and

was blessed with a wonderful man of God who Loves her with all that is in him.

 I couldn’t ask for more. I guess being grandparents isn’t all that bad. =)



I think I’m gonna cry….


Scales are Evil…. June 28, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Choices,life,Weight loss — heidicampbellphotography @ 10:50 pm

Why do we torture ourselves…ok, maybe it’s just me but, I step on that scale almost every

morning and for what exactly? Has anything changed? Of course nothings changed.

I’m not doing anything to change it. No more complaining though…

I am determined to get myself back in shape before Jeff comes home…

ok, maybe just lose a few pounds but regardless this has got to stop!

I have decided that if I must weigh myself everyday then I will from here on out

weigh myself just like this…



Good night my friends,


Melatonin…ahhhh, those lovely, tiny pills. June 27, 2010

Filed under: Blogging,Insomnia — heidicampbellphotography @ 11:14 pm

That’s it… I give. It’s 11pm and the melatonin I gulped down with the last of my coffee is starting to kick in. =)

Good night & sweet dreams,

Dawn: When men of reason go to bed. ~Ambrose Bierce